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Sommer-Jo Grieser

2023 | MI: Ada
Recruit Profile
Coachable, quick hands and feet, team player

I like to have fun with my team but Im also a competitive player. As a goalie I will always be with my defense and my team. I always explode toward the ball in goal and I always have the mindset that I will not fail (in and off the field). One thing that coaches will say to me is that Im coachable, I will listen to what they say and do it, that is one of the reasons I have gotten far in this game. My teammates and family have been with me and supported me. Teamwork and the players on my team are important to me, we must be able to work together on and off the field. I always know that my defense is doing their best no matter what team Im on and I never blame them if a ball gets past because Im the goalie and its not their job to stop the ball. As a goalie I love my defense and I support them in anyway possible. I work hard to achieve my goals in the classroom and on the field. one thing that I always keep in mind while training is that there are people better than me, so I use that as motivation. I work to be better and when I see people with more skill it drives me to work hard to be the best. I am in Honors English and Honors Science. I am in Ap classes and I volunteer at Kids Food Basket.


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