
Griffin Callow

2021 | OH: Cincinnati
1.1K |
Recruit Profile
6-5, 195 lb D/LSM who takes pride in being a fierce defender, a team leader, and a true scholar athlete with a 4.0 cumulative GPA. Multi-sport, high-IQ athlete.

I am currently enrolled in the Seven Hills School, which is ranked the number 1 private High School in Ohio, where I carry a 4.0 cumulative GPA with a 1340 out of 1520 on my most recent PSAT. I play for True Lacrosse and I played for Cincinnati Royals Lacrosse for the previous five summers. I am on the True National Prospect team and the Ohio AAA All State team (top team). In 2018, I tried out and made the Maverick Ohio Team for the National Lacrosse Classic in Delaware. As a freshman for my high school lacrosse team, I made the varsity team and played close defense, starting every game. As a sophomore, I was named a varsity captain by player vote and continued to start every game, leading my team in interceptions and forced turnovers and finishing second in ground balls. I was also named to the First Team All-Conference Team as a sophomore. Junior year, I was renamed Captain and lead the off season training and conditioning. My strengths are my vocal leadership on defense, my take away defense, and strength both turning opponents from x as well as sliding body and hitting opponents hard on ground balls. I am as interested in my academics as I am in my sports. I am currently enrolled in AP Bio, APUSH, and AP English language with taking 7 honors classes during my three years in high school. Next year I am enrolled in Honors Physics, Honors Chinese, AP Chem, AP Calc, and AP Literature. I have made Honor roll every semester so far and carry a unweighted 4.0 cumulative GPA in the number 1 ranked private High School in Ohio. I received a 1340 out of 1520 on my most recent PSAT and only hope to do better by the time I am allowed to take the SAT and ACT. I also actively participate in community service via Stepping Stones, which is a summer camp for the mentally challenged. At my school, I am involved in clubs such as Co-head of 7-Up, the Green Club, Service Club, and Sports Broadcasting Club in which I was an announcer for basketball games.

Honors & Awards:
3 years Varsity Lacrosse starter at close defense, Sophomore and Junior year captain voted on by teammates, All Conference All Academic (2018-2019), First Team All Conference (2019), Elinor Sheer Moser Award of Excellence and Leadership (2019, given to a Freshman, Sophomore, or Junior who displays excellence on and off the field), 2020 awards N/A (Covid-19)
Other HS Sports Played:
High School Soccer, 2021 Season Captain, 2 year Varsity starter (All Conference All Academic 2018-2019, ), 1 year JV starter and Captain (MVP) High School Basketball, 2 year JV starter (Coach's Award)
Play 2 Sports In College?
Relevant Lacrosse Accolades:
Started every game Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior year. 2017-18 Varsity Lacrosse Starting Defender as Freshman Conference All-Academic Award (2018) 2018-19 Varsity Lacrosse Starting Defender, Captain (2018-2019) Conference All Academic First Team All Conference Elinor Sheer Moser Award of Excellence and Leadership 2019-2020 Captain, organized team workouts and lifts

See HS Stats

Coach Contacts
High School:
The Seven Hills School
Joshua Wellens
Team Name:
Seven Hills Stingers
Jersey Number:
Club Name:
True Lacrosse Boys
Andy Asmo
Team Name:
Jersey Number:

See Contact Info

GPA (unweighted):
97-100; 4.0; A+

See All Academics

Recruit Calendar
Recruit Relationships

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