
Erin Ryan

2024 | NJ: Scotch Plains
620 |
Recruit Profile
I am a competitive multisport coachable athlete. I am told I have natural leadership qualities while I work to unify our team. I am always willing to learn anything.

I have played lacrosse since I was little and all throughout my growing years. My whole family played, my dad, my siblings, my aunts and uncles, everyone growing up. So naturally I grew up to love the sport as well. As a former player of soccer, basketball, swim, cheer, basically every sport, I fell in love with sports, specifically, Field Hockey and Lacrosse. I am a Varsity Field Hockey player, Varsity Lacrosse player, as well as taking AWT throughout the school year. With Field Hockey and Lacrosse both being new programs in my town, I feel I have grown with the sport, breaking barriers other programs don't even have to think about. Lacrosse has a special place in my heart and I am always seeking to learn more whether is a skill, a trick, or even learning about how it was created not only in my town, but back when the native Americans created it. I love helping others whether its in my AP Classes, in music, instrumental or vocal, along with volunteering for my Church in various ways such as Youth Group, CLOW (a music group for mass) as well as helping out with our Faith Formation Program when I can. These past few years I would say have shown most of my progression in the sport of Lacrosse with skills, tricks and plays because Highschool Sports make me want to be better. You can feel the difference from middle to high school, for some its scary, for me its exhilarating. Same with when I joined T3. Granted I was nervous, but once we finished warmups and started playing I realized all I was doing was playing the sport that I love, just like I do everyday.

Honors & Awards:
Other HS Sports Played:
Varsity Field Hockey
Play 2 Sports In College?
Relevant Lacrosse Accolades:

See HS Stats

Coach Contacts
High School:
Scotch Plains Fanwood
Virginia Shoenhaus
Team Name:
SPF Raiders
Jersey Number:
Club Name:
Triple Threat Elite Lacrosse
Robert Rafferty
Team Name:
Triple Threat Elite North 2024
Jersey Number:

See Contact Info

GPA (unweighted):
93-96; 4.0; A

See All Academics

Recruit Calendar
Recruit Relationships

For a full evaluation of Erin's play, athleticism and academics, please email me directly at Loribrownt3@gmail.com.

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