
Cameron Atkinson

2025 | NJ: Glen Ridge
636 |

Mark Grilo

Jan 25, 2022

Cam is one of the most determined and team oriented players I have had the pleasure to coach. He is a quick study and coachable athlete who leads his teammates by example. As a youth player, Cam was a versatile, maximum effort player who inspired others to become better around him. I look forward to watching him develop into a contributing force on the high school level and beyond.

Matt Kovachik

Nov 22, 2021

Cam is a hard working and very coachable young man. His athleticism and multi-sport background are strengths of his that aid his strong game sense/IQ. As a youth player, Cam carefully applied techniques and concepts to his game to further develop as a player. As he enters high school, his athleticism, positive attitude and work ethic will help him continue to grow as a impactful defender.

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